Circulation Policy


(For non-video materials only; for video policy see here)

Registering and Updating Cards:

Woodbury Library LOGIN card registration is free to those aged 3 and up who reside or own property in Woodbury. To obtain a card you must show valid ID such as a driver’s license, providing proof of who you are and where you reside. Utility bills, rent receipts, printed checks, etc. may be used to demonstrate residency, but should be combined with a form of ID which establishes your identity. Children under 18 years old will need a parent or legal guardian to show proper ID and co-sign their application. Students attending Woodbury Public schools may use student ID’s, schedules or report cards as identification.

Woodbury LOGIN cards need to be renewed every two years, with renewal dates noted on cards. At renewal, a patron must show ID. The patron’s record will be updated, including any changes to name, address, telephone number, etc. All outstanding fines or overdue material must also be cleared at this time. Woodbury residents with clear patron records may renew their cards for 2 years at the Woodbury Library, or for 1 year at any other LOGIN library unless otherwise specified by their home library.

Cards which are valid only at the Woodbury Library are available free of charge to those who are employed in Woodbury and do not reside in a LOGIN Consortium community. They may be purchased by other residents of non-LOGIN communities for an annual fee of $20.00.

In the event of a State Mandated Closure, the Library will honor requests for new Library cards through its website (Contact Form) or via phone. Patrons can verify their identity and pick up their physical card once the Library has reopened. The Library also reserves the right to extend expiration dates of patron cards to allow access to electronic materials and resources.

Borrowing and Returning Library Materials:

Patrons age 18 and over may borrow up to 30 items at a time from the Woodbury Library. Children under 18 may borrow up to 10 items. Limits may be enforced on particular item types such as CDs and DVDs or per author or series.  Most material circulates for 2 weeks at a time. However, upon your request books may be checked out for 4 weeks at a time, with the exception of items found on the “New” shelves. Material may be renewed twice, for a total checkout of 6 weeks. Renewals may be handled in person or on the telephone. When renewing by phone, please have your library card and material nearby.

Patrons in good standing may borrow from any other LOGIN member library, in accordance with that library’s policies. Other LOGIN libraries are Westville Public Library, Gloucester County Institute of Technology Media Center, Gloucester County College Library, Franklin Township Public Library, Deptford Free Public Library, West Deptford Public Library, Salem Community College Library, and the Gloucester County System libraries located in Mullica Hill, East Greenwich, Glassboro, Greenwich, Swedesboro, Newfield and Logan Township. Patrons are encouraged to return library materials to the lending library but may return books to any LOGIN member library. Non-print materials (audio and video items) are loaned at the discretion of each LOGIN library. Not all non-print materials are available for loan at every library. Non-print materials must be returned directly to the lending library.

Material should be returned at the Circulation Desk or in one of the Library’s exterior book drops. When the library is closed, the Russell Street book drop will be locked for safety purposes.

If there is an item that we are unable to provide, we will be glad to attempt to borrow it for you through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loan requests must be handled at a patron’s home library.

In the event of a community health crisis, the Library reserves the right to lock all book drops to ensure the health and safety of its staff. In addition, the Directors of LOGIN may hold a vote to cease all shipments of materials to and from LOGIN libraries.

Shipments of materials whether requested via Interlibrary Loan or Reciprocal Borrowing are contingent upon the continued operation of delivery provided by Library Link NJ. In the event statewide shipment ceases, the Library will not accept any new requests for holds of materials outside of Woodbury’s in-house collection.

Fees and Fines:

Patrons are responsible for returning their library material in a timely manner, and in the same condition as when borrowed. Woodbury Public Library is now Fine-Free. Patrons will no longer receive a fine on overdue WPL items. However, patrons are still responsible for returning library materials. WPL will continue to send courtesy reminders to return borrowed materials. There are a few exceptions to WPL’s fine-free initiative. WPL specialty materials such as museum passes etc. will still accrue late fines, as well as materials borrowed from other LOGIN libraries or through Interlibrary Loan. Please remember to check due dates and renew items as needed.

Patrons with outstanding monetary obligations exceeding $5.00 from other LOGIN Libraries may not borrow library material until the items are returned and the fines/bills reduced to less than $5.00. Patrons will be charged the replacement cost of lost or seriously damaged items. Light damage to library material, such as torn pockets, missing covers or book barcodes will be charged at 50¢ per item.

A lost or stolen library card should be reported as soon as possible, to avoid being held responsible for material checked out by others on your card. There is a $3.00 charge for the replacement of lost, stolen or damaged cards. Damaged card barcodes may be replaced at no charge. Fines exceeding $5.00 must be paid directly to the library that loaned the material that generated the charge, or at another LOGIN library using a check made payable to the lending library.

In the event of a State Mandated Closure, the Woodbury Public Library will automatically extend due dates on all materials until the building is reopened. No fines or fees will accrue during this time.

In addition, during a State Mandated Closure, the Woodbury Public Library may lift the $5.00 fine maximum threshold or forgive outstanding fines in order for patrons to access electronic materials and resources.

**With the exception of DVDs and Blu-rays (see our Video Agreement and Loan Policy)

Updated and adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2020.