Video Loan Policy
The Woodbury Public Library circulates videos (i.e. DVD and Blu-ray) subject to the following conditions:
Who May Borrow:
Anyone 18 years of age or older with a LOGIN membership in good standing may borrow videos from the Woodbury Public Library.
3-Day DVD Borrowing Terms:
3-Day DVDs circulate for 3 days at a time. DVD material may be renewed in person, by phone or from our online catalog. A maximum of two 3-day DVDs/Blu-rays at a time may be checked out at this library.
2-Week DVD/Blu-ray Borrowing Terms:
2-week DVDs and Blu-rays circulate for 2 weeks at a time. These items may be renewed by phone, in person, or from our online catalog. IMPORTANT: A maximum of 5 movies at a time may be checked out at this library. However, only two of these may be 1-Week DVDs.
Returning DVD/Blu-ray:
During business hours, DVDs or Blu-rays should be returned to the circulation desk of the Woodbury Public Library. When the library is closed DVDs and Blu-rays may be returned in the book drop outside our main entrance, or in the return slot in the wall next to our Russell Street delivery entrance. All material returned after the close of business will be checked in the following business day, and any fines due will be charged to the patron’s record.
Responsibility of Borrower:
The borrower will be responsible for the full replacement cost of any DVDs or Blu-rays that sustain damage or are lost. A $1.00 replacement fee will be charged for a damaged or lost video case.
The borrower will report to this library any damage detected while playing a video.
Waiver of Library Liability:
The Library will not assume responsibility for damage or alleged damage caused by the borrowed DVD or Blu-ray to the borrower’s video-playing equipment.
Statement of License:
These DVDs/Blu-rays are licensed for non-commercial, private exhibition in homes. Any other use or copying is prohibited. Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted video material.
Revised 12/2/16